The Voice-Institutional Insights


White Papers


Case Study October 2017

Voting Habits Survey Part 1


Case Study September 2017

Qualitative Research Methods


The Resurrection of Jim Crow and the Birth of a Non-Voting Black Community

Oct 23, 2015

THE RESURRECTION OF JIM CROW AND THE BIRTH OF A NON VOTING BLACK COMMUNITY. BOTH NEED A QUICK BURIAL. After the passage of the 15th amendment to the US constitution in 1870, Black folk were given the right to participate […]

This column began last month with a hopeful call for our community to energize and understand that Black Votes Matter

Oct 2, 2015

This column began last month with a hopeful call for our community to energize and understand that Black Votes Matter. We have celebrated the 50th anniversary of the important 1965 Voting Rights Act and the one-year anniversary of the tragedy […]

North Omaha it is time for our community to “straighten up and fly right”

Sep 21, 2015

North Omaha it is time for our community to “straighten up and fly right”. That’s an old black phase and a line in an old song translated means let’s get our act together. Click here to read the full article

Protests to bring attention to all these critical Black matters should be non-stop

Aug 24, 2015

Protests to bring attention to all these critical Black matters should be non-stop. The efforts to address and eradicate these injustices should be our community’s full time effort. My focus in this and future articles is directed toward our votes […]


Face to Face Trip Executive-Directors Summary Report 2019

2019 Executive Summary

Face to Face with BVM History Tour

2019 BVM Tour Data Detail Breakout

2019 Black Votes Matter Tour

Comprehensive Report with Data Detail Breakout

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